Saurabh Sathe

Based in New Zealand, a ThirtySomething* guy who has a masters in engineering – computer science to his credit and been working in the software industry for over 10 years but more importantly someone who is on a mission to educate and get educated about managing Personal Finance and Investment Ideas by doing things that will make your money work for you.

I still remember the days when I heard a lot of financial jargon and terminology used by investors around me and the only thing that happened to me was to get confused. One of the main objectives of starting this website is to publish blogs that would cater the audience who are facing similar issues. We will be writing blogs for this audience which will explain retail investors like you and me in very simple language by decoding or cutting out the jargon. There will be categories for basic investing through to advanced investing topics where we will discuss a range of topics.

The end goal is to empower our readers with knowledge that will help them be confident enough to start investing on their own for long term gains. Our target audience is anyone who does not want to depend on managers to manage their money but to confidently invest themselves.

The site has been born as a sheer culmination of:

(A) My PASSION towards educating and helping people to start on a path to become financially independent (I know Financial Independence is subjective so I am not going to hold you responsible for misinterpreting but hope you can focus on the gist) or if not then at least make people aware of how they can generate wealth and become rich in a sustainable manner and become and stay aware myself in this ever evolving and ongoing process.


(B) I often get asked the same questions since most people I have met who speak to me about this are absolute newbies who always wonder WHERE DO WE START? I want to give these people a starting point and then help them carry on through comments and discussions on this site.

Some of you might admit that we meet a lot of folks in our daily life who live paycheck to paycheck and struggle for money even if they have been working for years. I request you to introduce such people to my site as I feel it will help them get started.

With the blogs here, I will also highlight the mistakes I have made and what can one do to avoid them or get out of them sooner than later.

*Disclaimer: Author is not a registered or authorized financial adviser so please consider this as an opinion which you can choose to use or adapt some things you might like based on your personal goals and financial situation.